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Saturday, May 03, 2008

guess so much has happened but that's a need to move.

so long.

I swore I'm up to no good on 9:11 PM

Thursday, May 01, 2008

ah, been some time since i last posted. hrm, and a few substantial happenings also i guess, and yes, most are happy stuff. (:

monday and tuesday, had bowling season, so didn't go for lessons at all on both days. lol, both mornings had strange stuff happening, like people finding out last minute that they'd left their ball befind the pe dept toilet, so had to climb the gym wall to take the balls. haha, first time trying and it was, rather, fun. but not until tuesday's when something happened. lol. hrm, didn't bowl well on monday, but picked up on tuesday, though it was a little too late. hrm but both days were quite good i guess, late nights in school, hell tiring yet meaningful. (: just that, now i'm a little worried that i'm not really worried at all about my academics. it's like i don't even care that i can't keep up with work now. AHH. jialat! haha.

oh oh, and LYNX managed 3rd for sports day! : DD haha, it was a really damn good result, considering we only have say, the most 5 trackers? and the top 2 houses were virtually untouchable, so it was the best possible result alrd i guess. and cheerleading got 4th too! hrm, thought that they did put in ALOT of effort alrd, but i guess it's a cheerdance competition so it can't really be helped. great job guys! aye, and i did 11.36 for triple jump! LOL. first time in my life, and it was a not bad distance i think. : D missed 3rd by 20+cm, no medal! OH OH, and we(suf, jason, benf) got first for 4X100! : D HAHA, imba feeling when ben caught up with edward to finish first. euphoric! haha. coz we are THE ODAC! : D but sigh, got some hamper instead of a medal. dang. haha but oh well, better than nth i guess :/

had dinner with nomms. was good, caught up a lot with them (: aye, then headed to parkway macs with jason to do post celebration of ivie's birthday. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVIE!! (: haha, only chilled awhle there though, didn't really do much except playing with fire. whoosh, bad bad experience. :/

then soccer this morning. haha, i seriously suck. lol, can't blame the weather though it was freaking hot to the max. haha, burned out after like 10 mins i guess. haha, weak. but it was a good experience playing with such good players, totally different playing with them than watching and commenting from the stands. haha. well, at least i realised alot of things about myself from the match. aha, and the skin from my knee got scraped, pus overflowing now. lol, was quite a torture having to walk back to vjc to shower, and it was even worse while showering. HAHA, was along in the toilet so could scream in peace. freaking pain! rah. oh then went back to odac room to treat, used alcohol swab. painest of all. HAHA! touch a bit, let go, scream for 10 seconds, then repeat. damn lah, made me sweat like free somemore. haha then took a 1hr 76 ride to amk hub to buy LS's present. couldn't find much so proceeded to cityhall. quite unproductive i guess :/ ah, i think i'm bad at getting these kind of stuff, so no input. lol, sorry! ah but it was a bad experience also anyway, getting bullied at any chance possible, at anything i say. ): sadcase. rah. you guys deserve to go to jail for bullying. it's illegal. LOL, and something happened towards the end. shall reveal it soon. haha, it was interesting i must say. : D

ah, and sometimes i wonder whether i'm really there yet, when i think i am. sometimes i really hate myself for having to think so much about all these, i really don't want to, but i can't stop myself. and sometimes i don't know if i'm doing enough, or maybe doing too much. hrm, this is the hard time, and i guess i just have to hold on. and let God decide the best for me (:

and i managed to convince myself, right decisions bring out the best in people. i'm more of a learner from positive happenings than bad stuff. and i guess, odac really brings out the best in people. so far, the whole experience has been the ideal one, and i can't really ask for more. that goes the same for house as well, invest's in 2 weeks time. quite a pity we don't really cherish our remaining time as much as we should. it's starting to come down to me, the shitty feeling about something ending. ahhm don't like it. :/

right, okay shall not spoil a good day today. pretty shagged though. haha, think i'll rest early, MAYBE MAYBE there'll be a chance i can't go to school tmr, hopefully can't walk at all in the mrng. HAHA.

aye (:

I swore I'm up to no good on 10:10 PM

Sunday, April 27, 2008

haha, getting the stupid lousy sunday feeling again. oh well, not exactly used to it already but sort of expecting it to come, and when it comes, wham.

okay, don't what i talking alrd! LOL, that's just one of the effects of the sunday syndrome.

lol today was a very unproductive day. pretending to think but ended just stoning and staring into space. haha. kept telling myself i'll start work the next half hr block, but in the end crossing that time by a few minutes, then convincing myself i can only start work on halfhr blocks. so in the end,i end up not doing anything! LOL. wasted sunday. hah. this is bad bad. i seem to have gotten the slacker's disease. nooooo.

just beginning to read some chem stuff now. probably not gna be doing anything else alrd, oh well! team event tmr, don't exactly have any pressure on us, but i just want to do well for myself. yes.

right, quite looking forward to the next week i guess. hopefully i'll make the most out of everything. haha damn, i realise my posts have been getting drier and drier recently. AHH! okay in a few days time, this phenomenon will change.


I swore I'm up to no good on 10:01 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

23oh no, damn. i've got a feeling the dreaded feeling's coming back again. just when i thought i could be doing without it for some time, at least.

these few days have been rather, weird. stuff that made me very happy, stuff which made me ponder about it for awhile, then eventually have to brood over it. i don't like myself. i'm too easily affected by bad stuff. just one is enough.

thus, i have decided to let whatever it is be. used to think as long as there's a will, you can do whatever you want. and achieve it. but i guess it only applies to some cases. yup, i think i should just be normal, and expect nothing else. ahhah, don't know how to explain that. oh well.

oh yes, and great job to all who went for the pinoy dance! not sure if we won it, but i suppose we should? since the producers alrd said we got the best timing so far. hrm, not really proportional to effort spent i guess. the other schools really seemed to have prepared a lot for it, whereas we only started proper one week ago, and total time spent pratising would be say, less than 10 hours? hrm, maybe it's the people who joined huh. you guys are imba lah. thought today would be the last day to have anything to do with this stupid event alrd, but most likely it won't be the case. heard PIs wanted to go all the way though, so it should be a good thing i guess? yeh.

ahh, a really really weird post again.

HAHA. sigh.

but at least i know there is what i call trust.
everyone seems to be doing well, i shall not be the lag.

I swore I'm up to no good on 8:23 PM

today's a thought provoking day.


I swore I'm up to no good on 12:01 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

today, is the most non-academic tuesday i've had this year in school term. for once, the longest day in the timetable turned out to be a no-lesson day. lol. what a break huh.

ah the day started off badly right from the moment i woke up. woke up at least 20mins later than i should have, and in the end it was a total mad rush. 7 minutes to get everything done. ah, and i don't like the number 7 at all. damn. yes, so was late for pr's car. ah man, twice in such a short period of time. ahh. :/ yeah, arrived in sch only to be chased for assembly alrd. FOTY during assembly today. lawl, interesting. hrm den slacked in room till 10 plus. atmosphere there was ultimate lah. non-stop screaming one. a total different sight from what you'll normally see in bowling alleys. worse than night market in india! except fot the touting only. noise level can own india's night market. LOL. screaming NONSTOP. hahah, buay tahan sia.

team talk after that. nv had a proper one by the coach before. tabletennis last time was crap. lol. yes, could felt my hair stand when coach motivated us. sigh, but game today was bad ah. really really bad. totally let myself and the people down. ah okay not so much of the others, but myself. could have just concentrated more, pressurize myself more and it could have been improved so much more. ah, guess it was complacency as well. oh well, today's score was kinda unbelievable la. sigh, don't wish to talk about it alrd. come thursday, it'll revert to normal again! yes.

oh oh and the favourite part of my post, dedicated to odac! : D lawl. that's all.

haha okay whatever, just trying to keep myself happy luh, not exactly very easy after a really sucky day of lousy bowling and ultimate sian paggawa-ing. okay i didn't exactly paggawa but seeing people i know having to go thorugh so much pain is really, very very ouchful ): ah, shall not go on about it again. but must reemphasize this again, odac is really special! was feeling damn down over sucky bowling, so i comtemplated whether or not to go back to sch. and in the end i did, and it was one of the best decisions made ever : D quite weird, but just watching, WATCH ONLY NOT PLAY, just watching odac playing bball could take away the sucky feeling. although temporary, but it was so easy. destiny(big word), yes, destiny. i could have very well been at the next court, training damn hard for bball season, or outside the hall playing capt's ball for sailing, BUT NO! i was sitting by the side of the vball court, watching my very own friends(more than) playing comical bball and feeling so blessed over it. funny huh. but it's all meant to be (:

yes, so i guess there's really nothing much for me to worry about, any big small thing that happens, i know i have a backing. yay.

a very sucky day, to a rather good day. how?


I swore I'm up to no good on 12:08 AM

Monday, April 21, 2008

so tmr it starts. the start of a 2 week long "break". not exactly a good thing as shown in inverted commas. firstly, it's not really a break, just 4 days taken away only. okay not 4 days taken away ONLY, but damn, it's gna be 4 days! and yeah, it won't really be a break, i'm being devoid from something i like! hhaa okay, i like bowling too.

AH YES wm, you should stop now. it's not as if i'm disappearing off the Earth for the rest of my life. ah, i know it'll always remain here(heart) so who cares about not physically being there (: i hope. haha. ah, hopefully this eeky feeling will go away soon enough. fighting that stupid thought that i'll be missing something dear for a long time. why! D:

oh man but sadly, today hasn't exactly been a good day! sigh, recent days hasn't exactly been good either. ): okay maybe it's something to do with my mindset, too high expectations alrd i guess. haha. lessons today were quite good, could understand coz i prepared! time in odac room wasn't as desirable though :/ spent quite some thing trying to read quantum2 when my mind was somewhere else half the time. then stared at the word ODAC on the wooden board and thoughts/memories just flowed in like free. haha okay i'm too extreme! lol. please forgive me, i'm getting the feeling that i'm going on an expedition to the moon. ah then soccer match, VJC played well i guess. but today sort of could see they lack depth without their key players. overdependence alrd i guess :/ but hopefully come finals they'll reach their peak : D

mental game tmr! will need all the luck i can get. haha.


I swore I'm up to no good on 11:19 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2008

i conclude there is somethign really wrong with me and sundays. it just happens! haha. the day will feel empty as usual, and when night comes, it's weird feeling's turn. yay, and i'd like to attribute that to a lack of odac stuff for a day. HAHA. : D

right, my mind's being quite on it's own now, can't collect thoughts. haha, actually i think i'm not thinking now. kena the lousy flu virus, now have to live with it for at least one night, and it's making me drowsy like free.

so most of the time today was spent in my room. been a long time since i've done that. probably about 7 days. and it's a really ncie feeling to just hide yourself in the room and be anti social. at least it was productive! haha. hopefully done enough for one week. okay that's being too idealistic. hahah.

alright this is a very meaningless post.
i shall go sleep soon, yes (:

I swore I'm up to no good on 11:56 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

oh no, feeling really tired now, so short post! :/ but i think today's just a simple day, just like the rest of the other good days (:
and right now, msn's really being an ass, i can't stay online for more than 3 minutes! ridiculously idiotic ):

ah, so today, i was being severely bullied by people, which is a bad thing in case you don't know. verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse. ): IT WAS BAD. i shall have my revenge real soon, just watch out you lousy cronies! rah. so today we had welcome PT, i shld think it was quite tiring for the PIs, just that possible it wasn't enough to push most of them to their limits yet? i slacked most of the way, did baton(branch) passing, and dunked BEN(and gt dunked too-.-). then captain's ball : D and then dinner. really, nothing much happened today. haha. but like i said, simple things, small things that can make my day. yay, this is good, after the hell from ytd. : D

ah, this post seems to have no meaning at all. ahhh. haha, but for the sake of it, just whack.

oh and sidenote, i just got a sudden inspiration to be a masseur. : D

I swore I'm up to no good on 10:46 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

if today was to be test of trust and bond for ODAC, there was no doubt the result would have surpassed any scale.

it somehow makes me wonder, probably for the infinityth time alrd, how this kind of thing can happen. it's like a toto ticket(err, hardest to win toto right), but this time you have to get 26 out of like E^99(infinity) correct, and that's what happened to us. probability 0.00000000001! but did it happen? yes it did. ah, it's really like those once in a lifetime you get to see this kind of thing, like go record books that kind, but i happen to be in that batch. whoo, i am a really lucky fella. and that's probably just underrating lah, sorry, my england not very powerful. ODAC's much better than that description. ((:

so damn, what happened today. we're gonna break a world record! -.- yes, we're breaking a world record. lol. it sounds quite prestigious, but the effort needed to break that record's quite proportional i must say. getting people down can alrd be a world record by itself. ah, shall skip all the complainy parts, not worth remembering. cheh. so last min, i was told, no matter what, 24 people. couldn't find enough ppl initially. felt bad engaging 25th batch for help alrd. it's quite ridiculous, this is indirectly gna affect their whole experience as a PI, and ultimately their term in ODAC. ahhh, how can, join ODAC to break records?! yes, break records of course, but has to be ODAC related what! not dancing with bamboo poles! lol. ok a bit ji dong now. so yes, 25th batch's down for this alrd, the worse thing i can do is to involve the 24ths as well, when they already have a hell lot to do, and this period shld really be spent cherishing out time tgt one. and involving them would mean possibly having them to come down and commit alrd. sigh. but judging by the situation now, it's more or less no choice that the 24ths have to go as well. BOO. ):

i knew as long as i asked, they would surely comply. and yeah, not really a surprise that the moment i asked, everyone immediately sprang up and got changing. omg, that was the ultimate. where to find anything like that elsewhere! so now.., what are the roles of the family class? heartwarming to the max. (: you guys are the best luh. yay, you all certainly deserve the THING. hahhaa, surprise surprise. : D

ah, lessons today were quite bad. except maybe for maths lect? LOL, one of the best maths lect i've had, best being poncho day! sat right in front, good experience! GGed during econs tut, but lucky didn't go, or i would have died the moment i stepped out of class. horrible time in the room. oh man, today's quite screwed up if not for ODAC! ahhh, really salvage things sia. was feeling like crap the whole time till almost when that thing ended. really bad. argh. hrm, today's somehow quite a bad day still. things didn't really turn out pleasant, so many things i wanted to do and could haev done have to be forsaken/lost the mood. sigh. sigh. tried to cheer myself up during outing(with agenda) at night, stay the way i wanted to be but it was quite hard. :/ but at least managed to maintain, was quite afraid i'll spoil the mood. AHHH, shitt. ://

but i'm just really thankful for what i have now ah. for you, and all of you and you. THE motivation now. really can't imagine not having known you all. ah, that's not really the point, so damn, don't think.

YES, so ODAC shall be only made up of ONE ODAC, and not lousy characters in lousy stories like Beauty & the Beast/Beauty, Snow White & the 7 dwarves or 3 Little Pigs, so whoever's guilty of including these names shall be severely punished! : D

yes, you guys make impossible nothing.

like a toto ticket. (:

I swore I'm up to no good on 11:18 PM